
设计师#柴田文江Fumie Shibata


Our life is full of designs, and only people-oriented designs produce good products. We always talk about the “emotional design”, but consumers are only paying for the practicalness of products instead of fancy introduction or delicate wrappings.

柴田文江(Fumie Shibata)是目前日本最为活跃的工业设计师之一,作为一个女性,她用自己独特的”柴田温柔风”风格的作品,”像个母亲一样,温柔地照顾消费者”,成为幼婴儿、妇女等事业首先会被想到的工业设计师。她的工业设计作品散发出生活质地细腻与关爱至上的理念,感性的创造让人怦然心动。

Fumie Shibata is one of the most active industrial designers Read the rest